Module dimdrop.regularizers

Source code
from .tsne_reg import TSNERegularizer
from .kmeans_reg import KMeansRegularizer

__all__ = [
    'TSNERegularizer', 'KMeansRegularizer'




class KMeansRegularizer (cluster_centers, batch_size=100, weight=0.5)

Custom keras regularizer to apply k-means loss to a network


cluster_centers : array
The initial cluster centers
batch_size : int, optional
The batch size of the network
weight : float
The strength of the regularizer
Source code
class KMeansRegularizer(Callback):
    Custom keras regularizer to apply k-means loss to a network

    cluster_centers : array
        The initial cluster centers
    batch_size : int, optional
        The batch size of the network
    weight : float
        The strength of the regularizer
    __name__ = 'kmeans_regularizer'

    def __init__(self, cluster_centers, batch_size=100, weight=0.5):
        self.cluster_centers = cluster_centers
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.weight = K.variable(weight)

    def init_fit(self, encoder, input_data):
        Initialize this regularizer for a fitting operation

        encoder : keras model
            The encoder part of the model being fitted
        input_data : array
            The fitting data
        self.encoder = encoder
        self.input_data = input_data
        kmeans_init = KMeans(n_clusters=len(self.cluster_centers)).fit(
        self.cluster_centers = kmeans_init.cluster_centers_
        self.cluster_assignments = kmeans_init.labels_
        self.__assignment_id = 0

    def __on_epoch_end_backup(self, epoch, logs=None):
        Executed at the end of every epoch. Recalculates the cluster centers.

        epoch : int
            The current epoch
        logs : dictionary
            The logs of the model
        # update cluster centers
        encoding = self.encoder.predict(self.input_data)
        new_centers = np.zeros(self.cluster_centers.shape)
        counters = np.zeros(self.cluster_centers.shape[0])
        for i, point in enumerate(encoding):
            cluster = self.cluster_assignments[i]
            new_centers[cluster] += point
            counters[cluster] += 1

        self.cluster_centers = np.array(
            [new_centers[i] / counters[i] for i in range(len(counters))])

    def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None):
        Executed at the end of every batch. Recalculates the cluster centers.

        epoch : int
            The current epoch
        logs : dictionary
            The logs of the model
        # update cluster centers
        encoding = self.encoder.predict(self.input_data)
        new_centers = np.zeros(self.cluster_centers.shape)
        counters = np.zeros(self.cluster_centers.shape[0])
        for i, point in enumerate(encoding):
            cluster = np.argmin(
                np.sum((self.cluster_centers - point)**2, axis=1))
            self.cluster_assignments[i] = cluster
            new_centers[cluster] += point
            counters[cluster] += 1

        self.cluster_centers = np.array(
            [new_centers[i] / counters[i] for i in range(len(counters))])

    def __call__(self, activations):
        dists = K.map_fn(self.__cluster_dist, activations)

        squared = K.square(dists)
        return self.weight * K.sum(squared)

    def __fix_centers(self):
        false_centers = [i for i in range(
            len(self.cluster_centers)) if np.isnan(self.cluster_centers[i][0])]
        true_centers = [i for i in range(len(self.cluster_centers))
                        if not np.isnan(self.cluster_centers[i][0])]
        if len(true_centers) < 4:
            self.cluster_centers = KMeans(
            for index in false_centers:
                sample = random.sample(true_centers, 3)
                new_center = np.zeros(2)
                for el in sample:
                    new_center += self.cluster_centers[el]

                self.cluster_centers[index] = new_center / 3

    def __cluster_dist(self, activation):
        dist_2 = K.sum((self.cluster_centers - activation)**2, axis=1)
        min_dist = np.argmin(dist_2)

        return dist_2[min_dist]


  • keras.callbacks.Callback


def init_fit(self, encoder, input_data)

Initialize this regularizer for a fitting operation


encoder : keras model
The encoder part of the model being fitted
input_data : array
The fitting data
Source code
def init_fit(self, encoder, input_data):
    Initialize this regularizer for a fitting operation

    encoder : keras model
        The encoder part of the model being fitted
    input_data : array
        The fitting data
    self.encoder = encoder
    self.input_data = input_data
    kmeans_init = KMeans(n_clusters=len(self.cluster_centers)).fit(
    self.cluster_centers = kmeans_init.cluster_centers_
    self.cluster_assignments = kmeans_init.labels_
    self.__assignment_id = 0
def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None)

Executed at the end of every batch. Recalculates the cluster centers.


epoch : int
The current epoch
logs : dictionary
The logs of the model
Source code
def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None):
    Executed at the end of every batch. Recalculates the cluster centers.

    epoch : int
        The current epoch
    logs : dictionary
        The logs of the model
    # update cluster centers
    encoding = self.encoder.predict(self.input_data)
    new_centers = np.zeros(self.cluster_centers.shape)
    counters = np.zeros(self.cluster_centers.shape[0])
    for i, point in enumerate(encoding):
        cluster = np.argmin(
            np.sum((self.cluster_centers - point)**2, axis=1))
        self.cluster_assignments[i] = cluster
        new_centers[cluster] += point
        counters[cluster] += 1

    self.cluster_centers = np.array(
        [new_centers[i] / counters[i] for i in range(len(counters))])
class TSNERegularizer (dim, joint_prob, batch_size=100)

Regularizer using the tsne loss function.


dim : int,
the dimension of the layer on which the regularizer is working
joint_prob : array
The joint probabilities of the input data
batch_size : int
The batch size of the training, default 100.


batch : int
The current batch
loss : <a title="dimdrop.losses.TSNELoss" href="../losses/index.html#dimdrop.losses.TSNELoss">TSNELoss</a>
The t-SNE loss function.
Source code
class TSNERegularizer(Callback):
    Regularizer using the tsne loss function.

    dim : int,
        the dimension of the layer on which the regularizer is working
    joint_prob : array
        The joint probabilities of the input data
    batch_size : int
        The batch size of the training, default `100`.

    batch : int
        The current batch
    loss : `dimdrop.losses.TSNELoss`
        The t-SNE loss function.
    __name__ = 'tsne_regularizer'

    def __init__(self, dim, joint_prob, batch_size=100):
        self.dim = dim
        self.joint_prob = joint_prob
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.batch = 0
        self.loss = TSNELoss(self.dim, self.batch_size)

    def on_batch_begin(self, batch, logs={}):
        self.batch = batch

    def __call__(self, activations):
        return self.loss(self.joint_prob[self.batch], activations)


  • keras.callbacks.Callback


def on_batch_begin(self, batch, logs={})
Source code
def on_batch_begin(self, batch, logs={}):
    self.batch = batch